Follow Important instructions and guidelines while filing application form for Veterinary License

Area and Height of Shop
Nature of Trade (Type of selling Meat) Area of Shop (Max<20 Sq. Meters) Height of Shop
One Species, Only Pork Min 5.6 sq. meters Min 3 Meters allowed irrespective of AC installation.
Two Species Min 7.4 sq. meters
Three Species Min 11.15 sq. meters
Only Buffalo Min 9.29 sq. meters
Note:- Shop exist in Residential Area- Area of Shop not allowed >20 sq. Meters. Shop exist in Commercial Area- No maximum limit for Area of shop. Min applicable as mentioned above.
Distance between meat shop and religious place (Temple, Gurdwara, Masjid or Mosque)
Type of Holy Spot Minimum Distance Condition
Temple/ Gurdwara/ Religious place/ Cremation Ground/ Burial Ground Above 150 meters allowed Measured from either side/ Corner/ Front side/ Back side.
Masjid Above 150 meters allowed Applicable in case of Pork only (entry gate / both sides) Distance of Masjid not applicable for Nature of Trade other than pork.
Note:- The condition of distance of Temple/ gurdwara/ mosque/ religious place from the Meat Shop would not be implemented in case of Renewal of Licenses, which have been issued before the date of approval of this policy by the Corporation I.e. 20.12.2023. In other words, if a Temple/ Gurdwara/ Religious Place/ Mosque comes into existence after Grant of license to the Meat Shop, the factor of distance shall not be taken into account at the time of Renewal of the License of that Meat Shop.
  • Fee Structure and Penalty (If any)
    Unified MCD    
Trade Type Process Type PROCECSSING FEE License Fee (1 Year) License Fee (2 year) License Fee (3 year) Penalty Grace Period
Meat Shop/ Platform allotted by DDA New/ Fresh License (in Rs.) 500 7000 12000 18000 NA NA
Renewal License (in Rs.) 500 7000 12000 18000 Rs. 2000 per month 2 Months (31st May)
Amendment (in Rs.) 500 5000 (one time) NA NA
Surrender (in Rs.) 500 NA NA NA
Meat Processing Unit New/ Fresh License (in Rs.) 500 50000 100000 150000 NA NA
Renewal License (in Rs.) 500 50000 100000 150000 Rs. 5000 per month 2 Months (31st May)
Amendment (in Rs.) 500 5000 NA NA NA NA
Surrender (in Rs.) 500 NA NA NA
  • Meat Shop/ meat Processing Unit/ Registration of Platform allotted by DDA–
    • Fresh/ new License
      • Processing Fee + License Fee (as per selected license period)
    • Renewal
      • Processing Fee + License Fee (as per selected license period) + late fee (mentioned fee * number of late months.
    • Amendment
      • Processing Fee + License Fee
    • Surrender
      • Processing Fee
  • For Cattle Dairy- Dairy Exists In –
    • Rural Area
      • Plot Size- Number of cattle/ animals * 12 sq.m.
    • Temple
      • Max- 4 Number of catlle (Cow) allowed.
      • Plot Size- Number of cattle/ animals * 12 sq.m.
    • Authorized dairy Colony- fixed plot size allotted and max number of cattle mentioned below:-.
Authorized Dairy Colony Name Plot Size (in Sq. M) No. of Animals
Goyela/ Goela Dairy Colony 42 5
Kakrola Dairy Colony 42 5
Masood Pur Dairy Colony 297 25
Madanpur Khadar Dairy Colony 134 11
150 12
Ghogha 60 5
96 8
Jharoda 42 5
Gharoli Dairy Farm 50 4
Ghazipur Dairy farm 178 15
  • Fee Structure and Penalty (If any)
Trade Type Process Type Processing Fee (in Rs.) License Fee (1 Year) in Rs. License Fee (2 year) in Rs. License Fee (3 year) in Rs. Penalty Grace Period
Cattle Dairy - Rural New/ Fresh License 300 1000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 30
Buffalo- 50
2000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 60
Buffalo- 100
3000 +Miltch Tax
Cow- 90
Buffalo- 150
Renewal License 300 1000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 30
Buffalo- 50
2000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 60
Buffalo- 100
3000 +Miltch Tax
Cow- 90
Buffalo- 150
Rs. 50 per month 1 Month (30th April)
Amendment NA    
Cattle Dairy - Authorized Dairy New/ Fresh License 300 1000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 30
Buffalo- 50
2000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 60
Buffalo- 100
3000 +Miltch Tax
Cow- 90
Buffalo- 150
Renewal License 300 1000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 30
Buffalo- 50
2000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 60
Buffalo- 100
3000 +Miltch Tax
Cow- 90
Buffalo- 150
Rs. 50 per month 1 Month (30th April)
Amendment NA    
Cattle Dairy - Temple New/ Fresh License NA 1 2 3 NA
Renewal License NA
Trade type (Cattle Dairy farm) New Registration Renewal Miltch Tax Penalty
Rural and Authorized Dairy Processing fee-300
License Fee-1000
Processing fee-300
License Fee-1000
Rs. 50 per buffalo
Rs. 30 per Cow
Late fee of Rs. 50 per month will be impose.Grace period of 1 month.
Temple Rs. 1 per cattle / Cow Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
  • Calculation for Cattle Dairy –
    • Fresh/ new License)
      1. Rural/ Authorized Dairy- - Processing Fee+ License Fee+ Miltch Tax cow (30* number. of Cow) +Miltch Tax Buffalo (50* Number of Buffalo).
      2. Temple- License Fee (as mentioned above based on license period).
    • Renewal
      1. Rural/ Authorized Dairy- - Processing Fee+ License Fee+ Miltch Tax cow (30* number. of Cow) +Miltch Tax Buffalo (50* Number of Buffalo) + late fee.
      2. Temple- No fees applicable.
    • No fees applicable for Amendment and Surrender.

General Guidelines

Kindly read SoP and user mannual to apply application
Citizen - Portal


Follow Important instructions and guidelines while filing application form for Veterinary License

Area and Height of Shop
Nature of Trade (Type of selling Meat) Area of Shop (Max<20 Sq. Meters) Height of Shop
One Species, Only Pork Min 5.6 sq. meters Min 3 Meters allowed irrespective of AC installation.
Two Species Min 7.4 sq. meters
Three Species Min 11.15 sq. meters
Only Buffalo Min 9.29 sq. meters
Note:- Shop exist in Residential Area- Area of Shop not allowed >20 sq. Meters. Shop exist in Commercial Area- No maximum limit for Area of shop. Min applicable as mentioned above.
Distance between meat shop and religious place (Temple, Gurdwara, Masjid or Mosque)
Type of Holy Spot Minimum Distance Condition
Temple/ Gurdwara/ Religious place/ Cremation Ground/ Burial Ground Above 150 meters allowed Measured from either side/ Corner/ Front side/ Back side.
Masjid Above 150 meters allowed Applicable in case of Pork only (entry gate / both sides) Distance of Masjid not applicable for Nature of Trade other than pork.
Note:- The condition of distance of Temple/ gurdwara/ mosque/ religious place from the Meat Shop would not be implemented in case of Renewal of Licenses, which have been issued before the date of approval of this policy by the Corporation I.e. 20.12.2023. In other words, if a Temple/ Gurdwara/ Religious Place/ Mosque comes into existence after Grant of license to the Meat Shop, the factor of distance shall not be taken into account at the time of Renewal of the License of that Meat Shop.
  • Fee Structure and Penalty (If any)
    Unified MCD    
Trade Type Process Type PROCECSSING FEE License Fee (1 Year) License Fee (2 year) License Fee (3 year) Penalty Grace Period
Meat Shop/ Platform allotted by DDA New/ Fresh License (in Rs.) 500 7000 12000 18000 NA NA
Renewal License (in Rs.) 500 7000 12000 18000 Rs. 2000 per month 2 Months (31st May)
Amendment (in Rs.) 500 5000 (one time) NA NA
Surrender (in Rs.) 500 NA NA NA
Meat Processing Unit New/ Fresh License (in Rs.) 500 50000 100000 150000 NA NA
Renewal License (in Rs.) 500 50000 100000 150000 Rs. 5000 per month 2 Months (31st May)
Amendment (in Rs.) 500 5000 NA NA NA NA
Surrender (in Rs.) 500 NA NA NA
  • Meat Shop/ meat Processing Unit/ Registration of Platform allotted by DDA–
    • Fresh/ new License
      • Processing Fee + License Fee (as per selected license period)
    • Renewal
      • Processing Fee + License Fee (as per selected license period) + late fee (mentioned fee * number of late months.
    • Amendment
      • Processing Fee + License Fee
    • Surrender
      • Processing Fee
  • For Cattle Dairy- Dairy Exists In –
    • Rural Area
      • Plot Size- Number of cattle/ animals * 12 sq.m.
    • Temple
      • Max- 4 Number of catlle (Cow) allowed.
      • Plot Size- Number of cattle/ animals * 12 sq.m.
    • Authorized dairy Colony- fixed plot size allotted and max number of cattle mentioned below:-.
Authorized Dairy Colony Name Plot Size (in Sq. M) No. of Animals
Goyela/ Goela Dairy Colony 42 5
Kakrola Dairy Colony 42 5
Masood Pur Dairy Colony 297 25
Madanpur Khadar Dairy Colony 134 11
150 12
Ghogha 60 5
96 8
Jharoda 42 5
Gharoli Dairy Farm 50 4
Ghazipur Dairy farm 178 15
  • Fee Structure and Penalty (If any)
Trade Type Process Type Processing Fee (in Rs.) License Fee (1 Year) in Rs. License Fee (2 year) in Rs. License Fee (3 year) in Rs. Penalty Grace Period
Cattle Dairy - Rural New/ Fresh License 300 1000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 30
Buffalo- 50
2000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 60
Buffalo- 100
3000 +Miltch Tax
Cow- 90
Buffalo- 150
Renewal License 300 1000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 30
Buffalo- 50
2000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 60
Buffalo- 100
3000 +Miltch Tax
Cow- 90
Buffalo- 150
Rs. 50 per month 1 Month (30th April)
Amendment NA    
Cattle Dairy - Authorized Dairy New/ Fresh License 300 1000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 30
Buffalo- 50
2000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 60
Buffalo- 100
3000 +Miltch Tax
Cow- 90
Buffalo- 150
Renewal License 300 1000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 30
Buffalo- 50
2000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 60
Buffalo- 100
3000 +Miltch Tax
Cow- 90
Buffalo- 150
Rs. 50 per month 1 Month (30th April)
Amendment NA    
Cattle Dairy - Temple New/ Fresh License NA 1 2 3 NA
Renewal License NA
Trade type (Cattle Dairy farm) New Registration Renewal Miltch Tax Penalty
Rural and Authorized Dairy Processing fee-300
License Fee-1000
Processing fee-300
License Fee-1000
Rs. 50 per buffalo
Rs. 30 per Cow
Late fee of Rs. 50 per month will be impose.Grace period of 1 month.
Temple Rs. 1 per cattle / Cow Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
  • Calculation for Cattle Dairy –
    • Fresh/ new License)
      1. Rural/ Authorized Dairy- - Processing Fee+ License Fee+ Miltch Tax cow (30* number. of Cow) +Miltch Tax Buffalo (50* Number of Buffalo).
      2. Temple- License Fee (as mentioned above based on license period).
    • Renewal
      1. Rural/ Authorized Dairy- - Processing Fee+ License Fee+ Miltch Tax cow (30* number. of Cow) +Miltch Tax Buffalo (50* Number of Buffalo) + late fee.
      2. Temple- No fees applicable.
    • No fees applicable for Amendment and Surrender.

General Guidelines

Kindly read SoP and user mannual to apply application

Follow Important instructions and guidelines while filing application form for Veterinary License

Area and Height of Shop
Nature of Trade (Type of selling Meat) Area of Shop (Max<20 Sq. Meters) Height of Shop
One Species, Only Pork Min 5.6 sq. meters Min 3 Meters allowed irrespective of AC installation.
Two Species Min 7.4 sq. meters
Three Species Min 11.15 sq. meters
Only Buffalo Min 9.29 sq. meters
Note:- Shop exist in Residential Area- Area of Shop not allowed >20 sq. Meters. Shop exist in Commercial Area- No maximum limit for Area of shop. Min applicable as mentioned above.
Distance between meat shop and religious place (Temple, Gurdwara, Masjid or Mosque)
Type of Holy Spot Minimum Distance Condition
Temple/ Gurdwara/ Religious place/ Cremation Ground/ Burial Ground Above 150 meters allowed Measured from either side/ Corner/ Front side/ Back side.
Masjid Above 150 meters allowed Applicable in case of Pork only (entry gate / both sides) Distance of Masjid not applicable for Nature of Trade other than pork.
Note:- The condition of distance of Temple/ gurdwara/ mosque/ religious place from the Meat Shop would not be implemented in case of Renewal of Licenses, which have been issued before the date of approval of this policy by the Corporation I.e. 20.12.2023. In other words, if a Temple/ Gurdwara/ Religious Place/ Mosque comes into existence after Grant of license to the Meat Shop, the factor of distance shall not be taken into account at the time of Renewal of the License of that Meat Shop.
  • Fee Structure and Penalty (If any)
    Unified MCD    
Trade Type Process Type PROCECSSING FEE License Fee (1 Year) License Fee (2 year) License Fee (3 year) Penalty Grace Period
Meat Shop/ Platform allotted by DDA New/ Fresh License (in Rs.) 500 7000 12000 18000 NA NA
Renewal License (in Rs.) 500 7000 12000 18000 Rs. 2000 per month 2 Months (31st May)
Amendment (in Rs.) 500 5000 (one time) NA NA
Surrender (in Rs.) 500 NA NA NA
Meat Processing Unit New/ Fresh License (in Rs.) 500 50000 100000 150000 NA NA
Renewal License (in Rs.) 500 50000 100000 150000 Rs. 5000 per month 2 Months (31st May)
Amendment (in Rs.) 500 5000 NA NA NA NA
Surrender (in Rs.) 500 NA NA NA
  • Meat Shop/ meat Processing Unit/ Registration of Platform allotted by DDA–
    • Fresh/ new License
      • Processing Fee + License Fee (as per selected license period)
    • Renewal
      • Processing Fee + License Fee (as per selected license period) + late fee (mentioned fee * number of late months.
    • Amendment
      • Processing Fee + License Fee
    • Surrender
      • Processing Fee
  • For Cattle Dairy- Dairy Exists In –
    • Rural Area
      • Plot Size- Number of cattle/ animals * 12 sq.m.
    • Temple
      • Max- 4 Number of catlle (Cow) allowed.
      • Plot Size- Number of cattle/ animals * 12 sq.m.
    • Authorized dairy Colony- fixed plot size allotted and max number of cattle mentioned below:-.
Authorized Dairy Colony Name Plot Size (in Sq. M) No. of Animals
Goyela/ Goela Dairy Colony 42 5
Kakrola Dairy Colony 42 5
Masood Pur Dairy Colony 297 25
Madanpur Khadar Dairy Colony 134 11
150 12
Ghogha 60 5
96 8
Jharoda 42 5
Gharoli Dairy Farm 50 4
Ghazipur Dairy farm 178 15
  • Fee Structure and Penalty (If any)
Trade Type Process Type Processing Fee (in Rs.) License Fee (1 Year) in Rs. License Fee (2 year) in Rs. License Fee (3 year) in Rs. Penalty Grace Period
Cattle Dairy - Rural New/ Fresh License 300 1000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 30
Buffalo- 50
2000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 60
Buffalo- 100
3000 +Miltch Tax
Cow- 90
Buffalo- 150
Renewal License 300 1000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 30
Buffalo- 50
2000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 60
Buffalo- 100
3000 +Miltch Tax
Cow- 90
Buffalo- 150
Rs. 50 per month 1 Month (30th April)
Amendment NA    
Cattle Dairy - Authorized Dairy New/ Fresh License 300 1000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 30
Buffalo- 50
2000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 60
Buffalo- 100
3000 +Miltch Tax
Cow- 90
Buffalo- 150
Renewal License 300 1000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 30
Buffalo- 50
2000 +
Miltch Tax
Cow- 60
Buffalo- 100
3000 +Miltch Tax
Cow- 90
Buffalo- 150
Rs. 50 per month 1 Month (30th April)
Amendment NA    
Cattle Dairy - Temple New/ Fresh License NA 1 2 3 NA
Renewal License NA
Trade type (Cattle Dairy farm) New Registration Renewal Miltch Tax Penalty
Rural and Authorized Dairy Processing fee-300
License Fee-1000
Processing fee-300
License Fee-1000
Rs. 50 per buffalo
Rs. 30 per Cow
Late fee of Rs. 50 per month will be impose.Grace period of 1 month.
Temple Rs. 1 per cattle / Cow Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
  • Calculation for Cattle Dairy –
    • Fresh/ new License)
      1. Rural/ Authorized Dairy- - Processing Fee+ License Fee+ Miltch Tax cow (30* number. of Cow) +Miltch Tax Buffalo (50* Number of Buffalo).
      2. Temple- License Fee (as mentioned above based on license period).
    • Renewal
      1. Rural/ Authorized Dairy- - Processing Fee+ License Fee+ Miltch Tax cow (30* number. of Cow) +Miltch Tax Buffalo (50* Number of Buffalo) + late fee.
      2. Temple- No fees applicable.
    • No fees applicable for Amendment and Surrender.

General Guidelines

Kindly read SoP and user mannual to apply application

If available, prefer to use your Aadhaar linked mobile number to login.
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Authorised persons may sign up on the behalf of Govt./ State/ Organisation/ Public Institutions.


Veterinary department deals with wide sphere of work such as :
1. Issuance of Licenses of Dairies, Meat Shops, Meat processing units & Registration platfrom allotted by DDA.
2. Removal of illegal dairies and stray cattle.
3. Checking of illegal slaughtering of animals.
Note : Selling Mutton & Chicken can be allowed but in any case Fish or Fish products has not to be mixed with either chicken or mutton or even Buffalo meat.
Processed meat if sold from the premise, must kept in a separate cabinet.

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