Charge-Type |
- National Highway : Area of Pandal (sq. ft.) x
Rs.5.15 x 75(days)
- Interstate Roads : Area of Pandal (sq. ft.) x
Rs.5.15 x 75(days)
- National Highway : Area of Pandal (sq. ft.) x
Rs. 5.15 x 75(days)
- Interstate Roads : Area of Pandal (sq. ft.) x
Rs. 3.89 x 75(days)
- Other Roads : Area of Pandal (sq. ft.) x Rs.
3.15 x 75(days)
Plot Area
- From 200 up to 400 sqm:
- 6 months: Rs.
- Yearly : Rs.
- 400 up to 1000
sqm :
- 6 months: Rs.
- Yearly : Rs.
- 1000 up to
5000 sqm :
- 6 months: Rs.
- Yearly : Rs.
- 5000 up to
10000 sqm :
- 6 months: Rs.
- Yearly : Rs.
- More Than
10000 sqm :
- 6 months: Rs.
- Yearly : Rs.
Security Amount |
Payment Installment and Validity |
- Remaining 50% of the charges as mentioned;
validity up to 31st Dec.
- Onetime payment of full year; validity up to
31st Dec.
- If payment is made in middle of any year-half,
the payment shall be calculated on pro-rata basis till
- 1. cut-off dates of 30th Jun and 31st Dec in
case of half yearly payment
- 2.cut-off date of 31st Dec in case of yearly
- 3.If yearly payment is made in H1 (Jan-Jun), the
permission shall be granted till 31st Dec with charges
calculated on pro-rata basis.
- 4.If yearly payment is made in H2 (Jul-Dec), the
permission shall be granted till 31st Dec of next
calendar year with charges calculated on pro-rata basis.
- 50% of the charges as mentioned; validity up to
30th Jun.
- Remaining 50% of the charges as mentioned;
validity up to 31st Dec.
- Onetime payment of full year; validity up to
31st Dec.
- If payment is made in middle of any year-half,
the payment shall be calculated on pro-rata basis till
- 1. cut-off dates of 30th Jun and 31st Dec in
case of half yearly payment
- 2.cut-off date of 31st Dec in case of yearly
- 3.If yearly payment is made in H1 (Jan-Jun), the
permission shall be granted till 31st Dec with charges
calculated on pro-rata basis.
- 4.If yearly payment is made in H2 (Jul-Dec), the
permission shall be granted till 31st Dec of next
calendar year with charges calculated on pro-rata basis.
- 6-month charges as mentioned; validity up to
30th Jun.
- Remaining 6-month charges as mentioned; validity
up to 31st Dec.
- Onetime payment of full year; validity up to
31st Dec.
- One-time payment of full year; validity up to
31st Dec and rebate of charges equivalent to 1-month
- If payment is made in middle of any year-half,
the payment shall be calculated on pro-rata basis till
- 1. cut-off dates of 30th Jun and 31st Dec in
case of half yearly payment.
- 2.cut-off date of 31st Dec in case of yearly
- 3.If yearly payment is made in H1 (Jan-Jun), the
permission shall be granted till 31st Dec with charges
calculated on pro-rata basis.
- 4.If yearly payment is made in H2 (Jul-Dec), the
permission shall be granted till 31st Dec of next
calendar year with charges calculated on pro-rata basis.
Downloads available for Applicant |
- Payment Receipt
- Site Plan with Watermark
- Permission Letter
- Payment Receipt
- Site Plan with Watermark
- Permission Letter
- Payment Receipt
- Permission Letter
Penalties |
- If payment is not made till cut-off date of 10th
July, Rs. 10,000/- per day shall be charged for a
maximum of 15 days, failing which the permission shall
be treated as cancelled.
- If payment is not made till cut-off date of 10th
January, Rs. 10,000/- per day shall be charged for a
maximum of 15 days, failing which the permission shall
be treated as cancelled.
- If payment is not made till cut-off date of 10th
July, Rs. 10,000/- per day shall be charged for a
maximum of 15 days,failing which the permission shall be
treated as cancelled.
- If payment is not made till cut-off date of 10th
January, Rs. 10,000/- per day shall be charged for a
maximum of 15 days, failing which the permission shall
be treated as cancelled.
- If payment is not made till cut-off date of 10th
July, Rs. 5,000/- per day shall be charged for a maximum
of 15 days, failing which the permission shall be
treated as cancelled.
- If payment is not made till cut-off date of 10th
January, Rs. 5,000/- per day shall be charged for a
maximum of days, failing which the permission shall be
treated as cancelled.
Note |
- Area of Pandal should not be more than the total
available open space as per approved/sanctioned plan
and/or completion plan.
- No change in Pandal area (declared at the time
of permission) shall be allowed in a calendar year.
- If the area of Pandal is changed at any later
stage, prior permission may be obtained on applicable
rates on pro-rata basis for the remaining calendar year.
- The charges for holding social function shall be
enhanced every year by 5%.
- If any applicant filled details found to be
incorrect, MCD may cancel the application.
- Area of Pandal should not be more than the total
available open space as per approved/sanctioned plan
and/or completion plan.
- No change in Pandal area (declared at the time
of permission) shall be allowed in a calendar year.
- If the area of Pandal is changed at any later
stage, prior permission may be obtained on applicable
rates on pro-rata basis for the remaining calendar year.
- The charges for holding social function shall be
enhanced every year by 5%.
- If any applicant filled details found to be
incorrect, MCD may cancel the application.
- In case of Upper Floors other than Ground Floor,
an additional charge of 25% will charged per floor.
- The charges for holding social function shall be
enhanced every year by 10% in case of other areas.
- Applicants have to pay the social function
charges in two equal half-yearly instalments; however,
the applicant may the full annual amount at one time.
- In case of properties other than hotel/motel and
farmhouse, if applicant pay the full annual amount at
one time, he/she shall get a rebate of amount equal to
one-month charges.
- Applicant shall use their own discretion in
selection of properties for social functions, the
property shall not be unsafe for holding social