Important instructions
- Manual PTR Form FY 2020-21
- Annexure FY 2020-21
- All taxpayers must file the property tax through Municipal Corporation of Delhi portal only.
- Taxpayers must submit the correct details during Self-Financial.
- Registration on MCD portal is mandatory for all .
- Taxpayers must have a UPIC (Unique Property Identification Code). In case of new property taxpayer should obtain the same by “” Apply for New UPIC” module.
- Tax Payments can be made online using Net Banking / Master/VISA Debit/Credit Card facility.
- Download the tax payment receipt for future reference.
General Guidelines
Kindly Read SOP and User Manual before start :
- “Read (SOP) to understand flow of Tax Form filling
- "Read” (User Manual)
- Property Tax Calculation Parameters
- Help(Apply for new UPIC Video)
- Help(Edit Property & Owner Details And Pay Tax Video)
- During scrutiny, if department finds any difference in the tax declaration, the penalty would be applicable as per rules.
- The department would not be responsible for multiple payments made by a taxpayer for a single property.
- Taxpayer can avail rebate of 15% (Advance tax payment rebate) by paying tax before 30th June of current FY.
- Taxpayer can avail a rebate of 2% as an “Online payment rebate” for residential property and Tax up to Rs. 10,000./-
Important instructions
- Manual PTR Form FY 2020-21
- Annexure FY 2020-21
- All taxpayers must file the property tax through Municipal Corporation of Delhi portal only.
- Taxpayers must submit the correct details during Self-Financial.
- Registration on MCD portal is mandatory for all .
- Taxpayers must have a UPIC (Unique Property Identification Code). In case of new property taxpayer should obtain the same by “” Apply for New UPIC” module.
- Tax Payments can be made online using Net Banking / Master/VISA Debit/Credit Card facility.
- Download the tax payment receipt for future reference.
General Guidelines
Kindly Read SOP and User Manual before start :
- “Read (SOP) to understand flow of Tax Form filling
- "Read” (User Manual)
- Property Tax Calculation Parameters
- Help(Apply for new UPIC Video)
- Help(Edit Property & Owner Details And Pay Tax Video)
- During scrutiny, if department finds any difference in the tax declaration, the penalty would be applicable as per rules.
- The department would not be responsible for multiple payments made by a taxpayer for a single property.
- Taxpayer can avail rebate of 15% (Advance tax payment rebate) by paying tax before 30th June of current FY.
- Taxpayer can avail a rebate of 2% as an “Online payment rebate” for residential property and Tax up to Rs. 10,000./-
To Know Important Instructions while filling Birth and Death Form
- You may choose relevant option for registration of birth & death and subsequently submission of details thereof.
- Ensure that the request for birth/death registration is applied to the zone where the event (birth/death) has taken place. Applying to an incorrect zone might lead to rejection of the request.
- Minor corrections in name spelling may be applied for.
Detail of Late Fees Structure and Documents Required | |||
Duration (Start from Event) | Late/Fee(Non-Refundable) | Birth /Still Birth Registration | Death Registration |
Within 21 Days | NIL | UID of Informant and Father & Mother, Undertaking | Undertaking, UID of Informant and Deceased, Cremation / Burial Ground Receipt |
From 22nd day till completion of 1 month from the event | Rs 2/- only | ||
After 1 month to 1 year from the event | Rs 5/- only | ||
After 1 year from the event | Rs 10/- only | UID of Informant and Father & Mother, SDM order Copy | UID of Informant and Deceased, Cremation / Burial Ground Receipt , SDM order Copy |
Name Addition | (After 1 Year) Rs 10/- only | Within 15 Years of Birth UID of Father andMother | After 15 Years of Birth UID of Child |
Corrections | NIL | UID of Father and Mother
Supported document of change such as Address proof in case of address change |
General Guidelines
- “RBD Act”
- For Hospital/ Institutional Birth/ Death, Informant Doctor will register.
- For Domiciliary Birth/ Death, Informant Citizen will register
- Fill all the details as per the prescribed form online.
- Check filled-in details before payment and submission of the form.
- Pay the applicable fees online using Debit/Credit card etc.
- In addition to SMS, also note-down the system generated Registration Number for subsequent usage.
- Printout of submitted report-form may also be taken after successful submission
- Printout of certificate issued after approval of MCD officials may be taken
- UID Can be -Ration Card/ Election Id Card/ Original Certificate from two Credible Person/ Aadhar card/ Passport/ Marriage Certificate/ Service Id Card/ CGHS/ESI Card/ Bank Documents (Passbook, Fd. etc) / Adoption deed/ ANC Card/ Child Vaccination card.
- However, for more information about the system informant may go through the provisions of RBD Act.
To Know Important Instructions while filling Birth and Death Form
- Registration for MCD hospital is valid for 1800 days where as for Govt. / Private Super specialty / Private General hospitals is 365 days.
- Registration and Renewal fees will be calculated based on number of events
- Use Hospital’s official email id as user id for registration purpose.
- On successful login choose relevant option for registration of Birth / Death.
- Outgoing MS will hand over login id and password to the successor .
- MS may Add/ Edit/ Activate/ Deactivate Informant/ Approver Doctor’s details.
Detail of Late Fees Structure and Documents Required | |||
Duration (Start from Event) | Late/Fee(Non-Refundable) | Birth /Still Birth Registration | Death Registration |
Within 21 Days | NIL | UID of Father & Mother, Undertaking | Undertaking, UID of Informant and Deceased, Medical Certificate of Doctor (cause Of Death) |
From 22nd day till completion of 1 month from the event | Rs 2/- only | ||
After 1 month to 1 year from the event | Rs 5/- only | ||
After 1 year from the event | Rs 10/- only | UID of Father & Mother, SDM order Copy | UID of Informant and Deceased, Medical Certificate of Doctor (cause Of Death),SDM Order Copy |
Hospital Registration / Renewal | Docs Required – DGHS Reg. Certificate, DMC Reg., Ownership / Appointment Letter , UID of MS | ||
MS Detail Updation | Docs Required – UID of MS , MCI Registration , Appointment Letter |
General Guidelines
- “Read SOP to understand flow of Birth and Death Registration”
- “RBD Act”
- For Hospital/ Institutional Birth/ Death Informant Doctor will register.
- Fill all the details as per the prescribed form online.
- Check filled-in details before payment& submission of the form.
- Pay the applicable fees online using Debit/ Credit card etc.
- Printout of submitted report-form may also be taken after successful submission.
- Printout of certificate issued may be provided to citizen.
- UID Can be -Ration Card/ Election Id Card/ Original Certificate from two Credible Person/ Aadhar card/ Passport/ Marriage Certificate/ Service Id Card/ CGHS/ESI Card/ Bank Documents (Passbook, Fd. etc) / Adoption deed/ ANC Card/ Child Vaccination card.
- However, for more information about the system informant may go through the provisions of RBD Act.
To Know Important Instructions while filling Factory License
- All industrial unit Applicant must apply for factory license through MCD portal only.
- Applicants must submit correct details online in application formats.
- Registration of users/applicants is mandatory for all.
- Relevant provisions of DPCC, MPD-2021 and directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the matter of MC Mehta Vs UOI & Ors are necessarily to be complied with alongwith directions of Hon’ble NGT in various matters.
- Existing Labour Laws, Pollution Control Norms shall be applicable on all industrial units.
General Guidelines
- “Read (SOP) to understand flow of Factory License
- “Read User Manual”
- “MPD - 2021”
- During scrutiny, if department finds any ambiguity in the application form, the application will be rejected and no refund of any fee will be made.
- Factory Licensing Department will not be responsible for multiple payments made by any applicant through online payment gateway. The issue shall be liable to be resolved between banker and applicant only.
- Applicants should download the payment receipts and copy of application for future reference.
- Penalty, as per provisions, for late renewal shall be applicable after 30th April every year.
To Know Important Instructions OF Community Service Department
- The booking party will be responsible for maintenance of Law and Order, Security arrangement, Traffic control, parking of vehicles outside the premises during the function as its own cost.
- The booking party shall take all possible measures for maintenance and preserving of green. Also, the recreational and aesthetic use of the premises shall also be preserved.
- No plants, infrastructure, fittings & fixtures, doors, windows, lights etc. Shall be damaged.
- No shops, Tehbazaris or commercial activity shall be carried out in the premises, except when specifically permitted.
- Booking party shall obtain NOC from Police and Fire Service, whenever required.
- The use of loud speakers/D.J. would not be allowed outside the Community Hall and as per the direction of Supreme Court of India.
- The booking party may apply for temporary electric connection separately. Security shall be forfeited in case of pilferage of electricity.
- Generators would be allowed only if they were soundless/ non-polluting and would be placed at earmarked location.
- Illuminations on the trees and hedge shall not be allowed.
- The booking party should inform about damage to the Municipal property if any before departure/ check out.
- The booking party shall not be allowed to keep their articles in the premises before check in.
- Day to day cleaning and maintenance of hygiene during the booking period will be the responsibility of booking party.
- Pasting of bills or posters in the premises as well on boundary walls of the Community Hall is strictly prohibited.
- The stage properties should be fire proof. No open fire will be allowed in the building (except outdoor kitchen).
- No fire arms/weapons and crackers will be allowed within the premises of the Community Hall and all the fire safety measures will be adopted by the booking party.
- Booking is neither transferable not changeable.
- MCD will not be responsible for any damage/loss due to Natural Calamities.
- If any booking is found fictitious or fraudulent, it will be cancelled forthwith and full user charges and security will be forfeited.
- Digging of holes in the cemented portion for fixing poles for pitching of tent etc. is not allowed. The damage caused due to breaking of tiles, breaking of windowpanes, Theft/Loss/Break of fittings and fixtures, any spoilage of white wash, tiles, flower pots etc. noticed during the function is liable to be adjusted from the Security deposit.
- Cooking/ warming of food is allowed only at earmarked cooking space and potable water for cooking and drinking water will be arranged by the booking party.
- Parking arrangement will be made by the booking party at their own risk and own cost.
- Delhi Municipal Corporation will not be liable for any loss, if the booking party did not use the Community Hall due to failure of electricity, fire, strike, earthquake or any other way of act of war or act of God.
- The Community Services Department reserves the right to cancel any type of booking of Community Hall without assigning any reason at any time. 100% booking charges shall be refundable.
- In cases of any dispute of booking, the decision of the Director (CSD) shall be final
- In case of legal dispute, Delhi courts will have the jurisdiction.
General Guidelines
- “Read SOP to understand flow of Hall Booking”
- “Rules & Regulations”
- “Undertaking Document”
- “No Non-veg Undertaking (For Mahavir Vatika Hall)”
- The Community Hall shall mean the space specified for the booking purpose by the department.
- The booking party shall mean a person or association of people who booked the Community Hall.
- The booking of Community Halls shall be precisely made available on first-cum-first serve basis. The booking can be done one year in advance. If the booking is made within 90 days prior to the date of function, normal booking rated will be charged. If booking is made much in advance i.e. 90 days to one year from the date of function, then the new booking charges will be :
- There shall be no booking prior to one year of the date of function. The actual calculations of days will be based on system.
- The Community Halls can be got booked for following Events/purpose:
- The Community Halls cannot be booked for following Events/purpose:
- The community Hall can be booked for a maximum of 2 days by a single booking party. The Department may ask the booking party to submit printed invitation card, if required.
- Free booking to be provided to registered RWAs once in a month for their meeting. In case of AC Community Halls, the Community Hall will be provided without AC facility. The application shall be accepted only before 07 days from the event date subject to availability of the booking.
To Know Important Instructions OF Community Service Department
- The booking party will be responsible for maintenance of Law and Order, Security arrangement, Traffic control, parking of vehicles outside the premises during the function as its own cost.
- The booking party shall take all possible measures for maintenance and preserving of green. Also, the recreational and aesthetic use of the premises shall also be preserved.
- No plants, infrastructure, fittings & fixtures, doors, windows, lights etc. Shall be damaged.
- No shops, Tehbazaris or commercial activity shall be carried out in the premises, except when specifically permitted.
- Booking party shall obtain NOC from Police and Fire Service, whenever required.
- The use of loud speakers/D.J. would not be allowed outside the Community Hall and as per the direction of Supreme Court of India.
- The booking party may apply for temporary electric connection separately. Security shall be forfeited in case of pilferage of electricity.
- Generators would be allowed only if they were soundless/ non-polluting and would be placed at earmarked location.
- Illuminations on the trees and hedge shall not be allowed.
- The booking party should inform about damage to the Municipal property if any before departure/ check out.
- The booking party shall not be allowed to keep their articles in the premises before check in.
- Day to day cleaning and maintenance of hygiene during the booking period will be the responsibility of booking party.
- Pasting of bills or posters in the premises as well on boundary walls of the Community Hall is strictly prohibited.
- The stage properties should be fire proof. No open fire will be allowed in the building (except outdoor kitchen).
- No fire arms/weapons and crackers will be allowed within the premises of the Community Hall and all the fire safety measures will be adopted by the booking party.
- Booking is neither transferable not changeable.
- MCD will not be responsible for any damage/loss due to Natural Calamities.
- If any booking is found fictitious or fraudulent, it will be cancelled forthwith and full user charges and security will be forfeited.
- Digging of holes in the cemented portion for fixing poles for pitching of tent etc. is not allowed. The damage caused due to breaking of tiles, breaking of windowpanes, Theft/Loss/Break of fittings and fixtures, any spoilage of white wash, tiles, flower pots etc. noticed during the function is liable to be adjusted from the Security deposit.
- Cooking/ warming of food is allowed only at earmarked cooking space and potable water for cooking and drinking water will be arranged by the booking party.
- Parking arrangement will be made by the booking party at their own risk and own cost.
- Delhi Municipal Corporation will not be liable for any loss, if the booking party did not use the Community Hall due to failure of electricity, fire, strike, earthquake or any other way of act of war or act of God.
- The Community Services Department reserves the right to cancel any type of booking of Community Hall without assigning any reason at any time. 100% booking charges shall be refundable.
- In cases of any dispute of booking, the decision of the Director (CSD) shall be final
- In case of legal dispute, Delhi courts will have the jurisdiction.
General Guidelines
- “Read SOP to understand flow of Hall Booking”
- “Rules & Regulations”
- “Undertaking Document”
- “No Non-veg Undertaking (For Mahavir Vatika Hall)”
- The Community Hall shall mean the space specified for the booking purpose by the department.
- The booking party shall mean a person or association of people who booked the Community Hall.
- The booking of Community Halls shall be precisely made available on first-cum-first serve basis. The booking can be done one year in advance. If the booking is made within 90 days prior to the date of function, normal booking rated will be charged. If booking is made much in advance i.e. 90 days to one year from the date of function, then the new booking charges will be :
- There shall be no booking prior to one year of the date of function. The actual calculations of days will be based on system.
- The Community Halls can be got booked for following Events/purpose:
- The Community Halls cannot be booked for following Events/purpose:
- The community Hall can be booked for a maximum of 2 days by a single booking party. The Department may ask the booking party to submit printed invitation card, if required.
- Free booking to be provided to registered RWAs once in a month for their meeting. In case of AC Community Halls, the Community Hall will be provided without AC facility. The application shall be accepted only before 07 days from the event date subject to availability of the booking.
Community Services Department of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi enriches citizens by providing every possible
opportunity to all men, women and children for development of their individual personality. The Department makes
available Community Halls on rent to public and voluntary organizations for marriages and other social functions.
At present, there are 321 Community halls under Community Services Department.
Latest Updates
Booking Status
Total Booking :8087
Scheduled Booking :1169
Cancelled Booking :0
Help Desk
- Helpline Number (CCR) : 155305
- e-Mail ID:
mcd-ithelpdesk[at]mcd[dot]nic[dot]in - Click here for Complaint
- Mobile App :
UMA (Unified Mobile App)
MCD311 App
Compatible Browsers
May Please Use Following Browser For The Best View
Internet Explorer v11.0Mozilla Firefox v7 to v78.0.1
Google Chrome v44 to V66.0.3359.139
Safari v10.022 to v11.1 (12605.
Contact Details
May Please Use Following Contact details
Zone list
Instruction And Guidelines
Hall Detail
Sr No. | Premise Name | Floor | Booking Charges | Booking Charges Gst | Security Charges | tent Charges | tent Charges Gst | AC Charges | AC Charges Gst | Sanitation Charges |
1 | 10 Block, Geeta Colony (GF and FF) (GCB10) |
25000 |
18 |
10000 |
500 |
18 |
0 |
0 |
1500 |
2 | 2142 Janta flat,Nandnagri (2142NN) |
15000.0 |
18.0 |
10000.0 |
500.0 |
18.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
1500.0 |
3 | 2508, Baradari Ballimaran(G.F) (BBGF) |
7000.0 |
18.0 |
5000.0 |
500.0 |
18.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
1000.0 |
4 | 2540, BARADAI BALLIMARAN (BB2540) |
2000.0 |
18.0 |
2000.0 |
500.0 |
18.0 |
5000.0 |
18.0 |
1000.0 |
5 | 35 Block, Trilokpuri (TRI) |
15000.0 |
18.0 |
10000.0 |
500.0 |
18.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
1500.0 |
6 | 6,7 Block, Khichripur Colony (KC67B) |
15000 |
18 |
10000 |
500 |
18 |
0 |
0 |
1500 |
7 | A-2 Block Kachipura (A2KP) |
2000 |
18 |
2000 |
500 |
18 |
0 |
0 |
1000 |
8 | A-2 Block Nand Nagri (A2NN) |
2000 |
18.0 |
2000 |
500 |
18.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
1000 |
9 | A-4 Block Nand Nagri (A4NN) |
2000 |
18 |
2000 |
500 |
18 |
0 |
0 |
1000 |
10 | A Block Chowkhandi (CHOWKHANDI) |
15000.0 |
18.0 |
10000.0 |
500.0 |
18.0 |
0.0 |
18.0 |
1500.0 |